Live Event Ticket Terms and Conditions

A single, customizable contract template for when you're selling admission to your live event.

Watch me use this same system to create website terms of use in two minutes.

Live Event Ticket Terms and Conditions. One template, customizable to the way your event will operate.

Dynamic and Mess-Up-Proof. The quick Q&A format will have you filling out your contracts in mintues, not hours.

Use it Over and Over Again. Access to this template forever and ever.

If I buy this, does that make you my lawyer?

NO. It does not. (But if you want to work together in the future, holler at your girl!)

Can I use these documents in any state?

Yep, you can! But know this...

Our contract templates were drafted for general use in the United States, but if you have questions about how any template will affect you, your business, or a contracting party, if your wishes do not seem to fit with a specific contract, or if you have questions regarding your particular state’s laws, you should engage an attorney for a brief consultation to address your specific needs.

Do I get access to the entire Legal Apothecary Library?

No, but you WILL get a discount code for the full collection sent to your email... so don't miss it!

⭐️ Refund Policy ⭐️

Due to the nature of this being a digital product, there are no refunds.

Payment Information


Coupon Code

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Payment Methods

Order Summary

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